Vendor Information
Thanks for considering Patriot Bands. Use the simple form below to have our product shipped to you, always at no charge. No payment information required.
How It Works:
1. SHIP - We send you our product for free, so you have no costs.
2. SELL - You sell Patriot Bands. We recommend $5.00/band, but the final sales price is up to you (so long as capitalism still exists).
3. RECONCILE - Once a month, we settle the cost of only the product sold at a wholesale price of $2.50/band. Hang on to whatever you didn't sell, and reorder as needed. If you ever decide to stop selling Patriot Bands, simply return the unsold product.
Once the form is submitted, you'll receive an email letting you know when your Patriot Bands are on their way. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our vendor administrator, Bryan Penn, at (571) 882-2835 or